A Call to Action

When Bro. JuLondre Brown (Zeta Chapter) originally corresponded with me regarding the Esprit de Fraternite campaign, he also referenced his, then unpublished, article to the Brotherhood. Here’s my response to Bro. Brown (originally written October 14, 2008):

Wow! Where do I begin? It would appear that we not only shared a similar organizational frame, but we also share similar views. While I will attempt to practice brevity, I must confess, that it will be difficult; and at the same time, this is being written after my bed time (when I turn into a pumpkin), so I ask your indulgence should you encounter any “incoherent” thoughts; and let me know and I’ll fix.

First, my view has always been, there is no “college-alumni rift.” There is, however, a lack of communication! There are at least four to five generations (World War IIers, Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, Generations Yers and Millenials) of Alpha men living at any one time, with each generation communicating in its own way. How often do we give credence to this fact and adapt accordingly? Doing so will only ensure we improve our inter-generational communications, thereby improving relationships.

Feeling a part of the “Brotherhood.” Something I learned not too long after my college days, that often times feelings of inadquacy were often moments of uncertainty or negative self-perceptions espoused during moments of pondering. In the end, when I “changed myself,” the PERCEIVED issue more often than not, disappeared.

Now, there are members of our organization who may be of the belief that “college” Brothers have to sit back and “observe.” This, naturally, is a fallacy that doesn’t deserve any further discussion.

What is intriguing is the statement regarding the lack of “Academy’s” being available for ALL Brothers. Part of the Esprit de Fraternite platform is that must use this opportunity to develop leadership tracks (through Alpha University) that become “prerequisite” for any Brother to hold a position of leadership within the fraternity.

A pastor in Baltimore (Rev. P.M. Smith of Huber Memorial Church) often states, “If it ain’t about relationships, it ain’t about nothing.” Pastor Smith’s statment is so true. In order to create an atmosphere conducive to a paradigm we must first understand that our existence is about our relationship with one another. The fact that we took the same Oath of Allegiance, you are my Brother; nothing (short of expellation) can change that. Its “proximity” that determines the strength of our bond; that’s it.

The proximity of us to one another is what determines the strength of our individual relationships, but that Oath is what gives us a leg up on anyone else.

With that said, I encourage you to become a part of Alpha Leadership on the district, regional and/or national level. Only after doing so will we benefit from the foresight and knowledge you have to offer, and in return you will become a better Brother; a better leader. There’s much work to do, and few to do it. However, with the determination evident in your words, its very apparent you will be doing much more (in the future).

Until we correspond again.

Bro. R. Anthony Mills