
If anyone tries to tell you there’s a lack of fraternal spirit and brotherhood, tell them they’re wrong. Over my 21 years in Alpha it has become very apparent that the bond of brotherhood is strengthened over time and with action.

Recently, Delta Lambda chapter began hosting monthly “Brotherhood Socials.” Thanks to the forethought and diligence of Bro. Kemit Price (the chapter’s Reclamation Chair), each month for the past few months now, Brothers can show up at our facility, partake in games, cards, food and spirits and just relax amongst the company of other Brothers.

What’s good is that following years of attempting to revive our weekly Wednesday night gatherings (those poker games used to be something), we seem to have found our groove once again. After spending time in meetings and discovering the commonality we all share, Brothers possessed a stronger yearning to spend more time getting to know one another and just generally “kicking it” with other Brothers.

This example is not limited to Delta Lambda. For years chapters, such as Kappa Phi Lambda (Columbia, MD), have held social hours after meetings or even on a chosen night, such as we do. Regardless of when they’re held, the intent is the same – to provide opportunities for Brothers to share “life” experiences and bond.

Far too many of us are limited to experience such only during regional or general conventions. However, we have to remain cognizant that leaders can’t mandate a Brotherly bond; it has to occur naturally. Unless the Brothers actively work on the relationship, it will wither away just as autumn leaves fall to the ground.

As pastor P.M. Smith (Huber Memorial, Baltimore, MD) always says, “if it ain’t about relationship, it ain’t about nothing.”

Have you reached out to a Brother today?

Bro. R.A. Mills
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