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WOTD: Austral

Phonetic Spelling: AW-struhl Part(s) of Speech: adjective Meaning(s): Southern. (Initial capital letter) Australian. Example: That, at least, was not difficult to do; as they filtered through branches and thick treetops, the rays of the […]

WOTD: Palter

Phonetic Spelling: PAWL-ter Part(s) of Speech: verb Meaning(s): To talk or act insincerely or deceitfully; lie or use trickery. To bargain with; haggle. To act carelessly; trifle. Example: Since murder was that man’s intention, why should he […]

WOTD: Privity

Phonetic Spelling: PRIV-i-tee Part(s) of Speech: noun Meaning(s): Participation in the knowledge of something private or secret, especially as implying concurrence or consent. Private or secret knowledge. Law. The relation between privies. Obsolete. Privacy. Example: Kazbitch — at least I imagine so — […]

WOTD: Sententious

Phonetic Spelling: sen-TEN-shuhs Part(s) of Speech: adjective Meaning(s): Abounding in pithy aphorisms or maxims: a sententious book. Given to excessive moralizing; self-righteous. Given to or using pithy sayings or maxims: a sententious poet. Of the nature of a maxim; pithy.   […]