Done. History will be made.

While standing in line at my polling place this morning, an older gentleman was making his way to the line and began shouting and singing. He was ecstatic that in the 40 years he’s been voting at this polling location, he’d never seen the number of people in line as were there this morning.

By the time the poll opened there were over 40 – 50 voters in line; when it opened there were at least 80, and the number in line appeared to remain consistent. However, despite the number of voters in line, my experience took all of 30 minutes.

30 minutes to be a part of history. 30 minutes to ensure our children’s futures are placed in the hands of a man that will make decisions based upon his life’s experiences, which are closer to mine than any other president this country has seen. Senator Barak Obama is, for all intents and purposes, a “commoner.” Having grown up without a “silver spoon” gives him unique insight into what we all experience everyday.

Whether your experience has to be 30 or 120 minutes, make it count. Vote your conscious and walk out smiling.