No, Not Never, Just Not Now

Safe Sex Ad

Originally uploaded by Abiola’s Photo Diary

Anyone knowing my thoughts on “the proper way” for a young man and young lady to act know I’m very passionate about young people not rushing into behavior with consequences their action can not sustain. This ad (originally posted to Abiola’s Photo Diary) represents a prime example of how such activity begins.

We adults (namely celebrities and those in authority) exhibit public behavior and discuss “back in the day” stories young people wish to experience in their own lives. However, doing so often delivers consequences their unprepared to handle. What happens when that young man or young lady finds out they’ve contracted an STD, or even worse, HIV? What happens if that young lady (or young man) has drunk too much alcohol and is forced into a sexual act? What happens when the result of their first sexual act (or 3rd, or 10th) is a baby, which they believe their responsible enough to raise?

As Pastor PM Smith (Huber Memorial Church of Baltimore, MD) said during Mergenthaler’s 2009 Senior Farewell “No not never, just not now!” Its our collective responsibility as adults, as elders in the village to ensure our young people are prepared and equipped for life. Don’t run from the difficult conversations; as this is when they need us most. We’re not saying NEVER engage in sexual activity. We’re just saying NOT NOW. Even though your body tells you otherwise, you’re not ready.

Is this such a bad thing to do? Or is it as my sisters and some friends often say, “You’re old fashioned.” And what’s wrong with being “old fashioned?” If it was good enough for my grandmother, its good enough for me.

Be smart. Be safe. Protect our present by protecting their future.