Introducing Bro. R. Anthony Mills…

Bro. Mills with Bro. Mark Barnes, PAAC President & District V DirectorFor some time now there have been discussions with a number of Brothers relative to whether or not a campaign for Eastern Region Vice President was warranted. After much thought and consultation, I decided if this is the path which I am to follow, its time to move.

This past weekend (September 29, 2012) we officially launched the campaign to move AlphaForward, during the Eastern Region Board and Staff Meeting. The vision is very simple…”to continue moving the organization forward by reinvesting in the ideals and beliefs of our founding Jewels and the days when men of Alpha were the quintessential example of gentlemen, a stellar picture of family men and images of resilient leadership which dwarfed all others.”

Sometime ago (circa. late 1980s) I served as the project director for a substance abuse prevention program. The program serviced a number of young people.Naturally, being a recent college graduate who was moving his life in a positive direction, the answers to all their problems were in reach…so I thought. It seemed as if a few of them regularly shared a sentiment, “Mills, you’re a square man…loosen up.”

During the three year tenure of the program, its not clear who learned more, me or the students with whom I worked, however, one things certain, that regular encounter with them showed lofty ideals are not needed to succeed. If we but focus on the basics we’ll be amazed what can be accomplished.

Some Brothers may witness the passion with which I address issues during our meetings, and feel differently; just know this display is a direct result of my love for Alpha Phi Alpha. One thing’s for certain, the path to continue moving upward and onward is written in the mission our constitution and by-laws – Leadership, Brotherhood, Academic Excellence and Service & Advocacy for our communities.

At this point in our historical evolution, I am committed to reaching back to the future to move AlphaForward. Join Us.