This day or another

Today started out with me taking more time to myself. I’ve gotta learn to do this in the states. Usually, I’m bustling with work or some idea to get work. My philosophy is, if I’m awake and not working, I’m losing money. It did very well by me this past year, and I intend to continue following it. However, I will throw a little more “R&R” in the schedule.

I went to the boulangerie this morning to get a pamplemousse, but didn’t see any, so I picked up a grenadine. It’s not bad, but there’s not much of a taste to it. Guess I just wanted something cold.

I was going to grade tests Akilah had given the other day, but she needs to go through them, there are some students who answered slightly different than what she expected, but still gave the correct answer. Oh well, guess I’ll have to create something to do.

So instead I sat typing up recipes that I wanted to be sure to save, and decided to put together a list and cook dinner. Ha! Let me tell you this don’t even bring a “western” mentality to this country. It just won’t work.

It all started when Akilah came home and we walked over to the market to see the tailor Sylvester’s assistant took me to earlier today. We sat there waiting for him because he had stepped away. Forget the fact that I told him I’d be back with Akilah (my translator) at 3:00pm! So after about ten maybe fifteen minutes he shows up. But instead of waiting on us first, he begins talking with the woman who came in after us.

Now, I figured, well, maybe he wanted to get her out of there so he could take his time with us. Yeah right! After another fifteen minutes of waiting, we decided to take a walk around to this other tailor to see about an outfit Akilah wanted to have made. It was really funny when one of his assistant’s said to us, “Wouldn’t you like to leave your bag?” Now why would I want to leave my bag while I walk around? Why would you not just wait on me first! I was there first! Or is that just a western idea? You know, respect. That protocol thing the waiter in Bamenda told us he had to show.

So we’re around at the other tailor’s shop, and then she decides to stick it to us; well Akilah really. Akilah chose her because this was the tailor Jess (now a RPCV) used and recommended. Ha! Guess Akilah’s not Jess; she ordered a skirt that flairs a little and a lined shirt with sleeves that flair slightly with jagged edges around the neckline.

We figured the natural thing was to compare it to what Titus would’ve charged for the outfit. Before they even began talking price, I immediately thought it should be like 6000 CFAs. Why did this swindler write 8000 CFAs on the table, and had the audacity to say to Akilah that was her price, she usually charges 10000 CFAs for that type of outfit. What the heck! Does she think westerners are just that gullable.

Okay, I know the exchange rate is extremely good compared to the USD$, but does that mean I want to give my money away to every person that figures they should add a couple “mille” to the price to “get their’s?”

Akilah did her best to bargain, but the woman wouldn’t budge. Personally, I would’ve taken my material and walked; but she decided to leave it there and just never come back after this outfit. Besides, this was the woman’s second chance, Akilah didn’t like what she’d done for her the first time.

So once done there, we walk around to the first tailor. There’s another woman in speaking with him now, but he immediately begins talking with us. Guess he realizes he almost lost his “le blanc” customers, eh? Everything pretty much goes smoothly. He measures me, totally understands what I want, and writes all the information he needs. He was kind of stunned by the way I wanted the outfit designed, but that was more so because it wasn’t like what most people would do. Then again, if you know me, you know I don’t do what most people would do.

Anyway, Akilah order’s an outfit from him. She’s having him make a pagne wrap, a lined top with two layers of sleeves and embroidery around neckline and sleeves and a head wrap. He charged her 6000 CFAs for that. I think I would’ve bargained it to 4000 CFAs (500 CFAs for the wrap and 3500 for the lined top), but considering the embroidery that needs to be done, and the layered sleeves, we left it there. Even Titus charged 3500 CFAs for the embroidery alone; and it is nice to be fair.

The last thing we needed to solidify was the pricing for my outfit. Understand that the entire conversation between he and Akilah is in french, and I’m just looking back and forth at the two of them trying to comprehend. He tells her 5000 CFAs for mine, and she immediately rejects it before asking me about it. Good thing because I already knew what I was going to pay.

I figured Titus charges 2500 CFAs for trousers, the pants this guy is making are very simple. No zipper, one back pocket and no front pockets with an elastic waist. The shirt is short sleeved and has a slightly difficult neckline the way I designed it. I figured 2000 CFAs for the top and 1500 CFAs for the pants. Again I should’ve gone lower, because he looked at the price and quickly accepted. Probably could’ve gotten it for 2500. Oh well.

Now we’re happy that we got a good deal from this guy and will make sure the other tailor knows he did well by us. So it was time to head to the food area and pick up the fresh vegetables I need to make dinner. I decided I would fix a romantic dinner for Akilah and not allow her to do one thing to help. That’s one thing after she helps me purchase the items needed.

She let me do the asking, which is good, since I need to get used to speaking to and hearing the language direct from native speakers. You tend to listen differently when folks are talking to you and not your translator. Picked up some celery, scallion, carrots, a green pepper, an onion, string beans and garlic. Last thing to do was stop and get eggs. It was funny when there, because this time I stepped up to the woman to ask for the items; and she repeated too be sure of what I said. “Oui, douze ouefs” (yes, 12 eggs). Apparently she was shocked about the quantity; Cameroonians don’t buy so many at once unless there’s something special being done. But at 60 CFAs each, I didn’t care.

Off to the house to begin my big dinner. Akilah wants to wash her hair since the water is running again during the day, so my deciding to cook fit right into her schedule. Good. This was going to be good. Just a nice wholesome dinner for two, right? Ha!